Chronology of Updates

Note: I have placed chronology of updates for 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 into separate files. Starting with 1997, the most recent entries appear topmost. Besides providing an insight of this site's evolution, chronology updates may be used for word searches.

December 31, 2005 Pascal in a Cyclic Quadrilateral
December 30, 2005 Orthologic Triangles in a Quadrilateral
December 29, 2005 All Triangles Are Isosceles
December 28, 2005 Pedal Triangle and Isogonal Conjugacy
December 26, 2005 Complex Numbers: A Dynamic Tool
December 25, 2005 Carpets in a Parallelogram
December 24, 2005 Two Rectangles in a Rectangle
December 24, 2005 More Bottles in a Wine Rack
December 23, 2005 A Property of Rhombi
December 23, 2005 Circle-Stacking Theorem
December 22, 2005 Gergonne and Medial Triangles Are Orthologic
December 21, 2005 Cartesian Coordinate System
December 18, 2005 Common Tangents to Two Circles II
December 17, 2005 Bottles in a Wine Rack
December 16, 2005 Isosceles on the Sides of a Triangle
December 15, 2005 Self-descriptive Strings
December 14, 2005 3-Term Arithmetic Progression
December 12, 2005 Variations on the Theme of Tremas II
December 10, 2005 Listing All Permutations: Johnson-Trotter Method
December 9, 2005 Dominoes on a Chessboard
December 7, 2005 Party Acquaintances
December 5, 2005 Common Tangents to Two Circles I
November 27, 2005 Straight Tromino on a Chessboard
November 22, 2005 Eight Digits Puzzle
November 20, 2005 Square From Nowhere
November 18, 2005 Parallel Chords
November 17, 2005 Variations on the Theme of Tremas
November 15, 2005 Counting Triangles II
November 14, 2005 Carpet With a Hole
November 13, 2005 Carpets Theorem With Parallelograms
November 12, 2005 Six Incircles in an Equilateral Triangle
November 11, 2005 Equidecomposition of Two Rectangles
November 10, 2005 Perigal's Proof of the Pythagorean Proposition
November 4, 2005 Equidecomposition of Two Parallelograms
November 3, 2005 100 Prisoners and a Light Bulb by Stuart Anderson
November 3, 2005 The Carpets Theorem
November 2, 2005 Wallace-Bolyai-Gerwien Theorem
November 1, 2005 Equidecomposition of a Rectangle and a Square
October 31, 2005 Equidecomposition of a Triangle and a Rectangle
October 31, 2005 The Chaos Game: Address Space vs IFS
October 30, 2005 Sierpinski Gasket By Common Trema Removal
October 29, 2005 Inequality (1 + 1-3)(1 + 2-3)(1 + 3-3)...(1 + n-3) < 3
October 28, 2005 A Property of Equiangular Polygons
October 27, 2005 Sierpinski Gasket Via Chaos Game
October 15, 2005 Who Needs Monty?
October 10, 2005 Upgraded the Y Can't End in a Draw page
October 5, 2005 The Lepidoptera of the Quadrilateral
October 4, 2005 Y Can't End in a Draw
September 28, 2005 Haruki's Theorem
September 27, 2005 Fixed Point of Circles Orthogonal to the Given One
September 26, 2005 Mirror property of the altitudes
September 25, 2005 Hiroshi Haruki's Lemma
September 22, 2005 The Two Men of Tibet
September 19, 2005 Mathematicians Doze Off
September 19, 2005 The Affirmative Action Problem
September 18, 2005 A Circle With Two Centers
September 16, 2005 Two Perpendiculars From a Point to a Line
September 16, 2005 Desargues in the Bride's Chair (with Pythagoras)
September 15, 2005 Dividing a Segment by Paper Folding
September 15, 2005 Integers and Rectangles: Two Simple Proofs
September 14, 2005 Three Tangents, Three Secants
September 13, 2005 Area of Median Triangle
September 12, 2005 Solitaire in Two Colors
September 10, 2005 Loop or Halt
September 9, 2005 A Maimed Cake
September 8, 2005 Euclid I.43
September 7, 2005 Fractions on a Binary Tree II
September 4, 2005 Archimedes' Quadruplets
August 17, 2005 The Symmedians
August 15, 2005 Bisectal Circle
August 11, 2005 Three Tangent Circles
August 10, 2005 Ceva and Menelaus Meet on the Roads
August 9, 2005 Fermat's Point
August 3, 2005 Malfatti's Problem, Hart's Solution
July 29, 2005 Properties of the Circle of Similitude
July 27, 2005 Circle of Similitude
July 26, 2005 Malfatti's Problem
July 25, 2005 Internal Tangents to Three Circles
July 24, 2005 Inscriptible and Exscriptible Quadrilaterals
July 22, 2005 Four Pegs That Form a Square
July 20, 2005 A solution to the four travelers problem
July 16, 2005 Two Colors in Two Rows II
July 16, 2005 Two Colors in Two Rows
July 15, 2005 Inequality 1/2·3/4·5/6· ... ·99/100 < 1/10
July 14, 2005 Life-like Automaton With Definable Rules
July 14, 2005 The Game of Life
July 13, 2005 On Bottema's Shoulders II
July 12, 2005 On Bottema's Shoulders
July 10, 2005 Simple Cellular Automaton
July 9, 2005 Weighing 12 coins
July 8, 2005 Integer Rectangle on a Chessboard by N. Bowler
July 7, 2005 Pole and Polar with respect to a Triangle
July 6, 2005 Pythagorean Theorem By Plane Tessellation
July 5, 2005 Three Tangents II
July 4, 2005 See-Saw Lemma
July 3, 2005 Birds on a Wire by S. Anderson
July 2, 2005 Concurrency in the Intouch Triangle
July 1, 2005 Dissection of a Rectangle into Two Chessboards
June 25, 2005 Proof #54 of the Pythagorean theorem
June 24, 2005 A Neglected Pythagorean-Like Formula
June 19, 2005 Minimax Theorem
June 18, 2005 A Versatile Theorem
June 14, 2005 Cube Counting Ambiguity
June 12, 2005 Shifting Cube Illusion
June 11, 2005 Viviani's theorem II
June 10, 2005 Integers and Rectangles: a Proof by Induction
June 8, 2005 Integers and Rectangles
June 7, 2005 Proof #51 of the Pythagorean theorem
June 5, 2005 Hart's Inversor
June 2, 2005 Hart Circle
June 1, 2005 Polar Circle
June 1, 2005 Four Triangles, One Circle
May 30, 2005 Feuerbach's Theorem: A Proof
May 29, 2005 Incidence in Feuerbach's Theorem
May 28, 2005 Rectangle on a Chessboard
May 26, 2005 Proofs #49 and #50 of the Pythagorean theorem
May 25, 2005 Proofs #46, #47 and #48 of the Pythagorean theorem
May 24, 2005 3-Colors Tower of Hanoi
May 23, 2005 Hanoing
May 22, 2005 Shepard's Parallelogram Illusion
May 21, 2005 Parallelogram Illusion
May 20, 2005 Plane Isometries
May 19, 2005 Simple Quadrilaterals Tessellate the Plane
May 18, 2005 Glide Reflection
May 17, 2005 Rotation Transform
May 16, 2005 Homothety
May 15, 2005 Nagel Line
May 12, 2005 Coaxal Circles Theorem
May 11, 2005 Apollonian Circles Theorem
May 8, 2005 Hex Can't End in a Draw
May 5, 2005 Another Pair of Twins in an Arbelos
May 5, 2005 Divide a Circle into N Parts of Equal Area
May 4, 2005 Lost Boarding Pass
May 3, 2005 Area of Arbelos
May 3, 2005 Light Bulbs in a Circle
May 1, 2005 Translation Transform
April 30, 2005 Reflection In Line
April 29, 2005 Secant Angles
April 27, 2005 Sieve of Squares
April 26, 2005 Sieve of Eratosthenes
April 22, 2005 Nagel Point of Medial Triangle
April 21, 2005 An Interesting Number
April 21, 2005 Locus of Points in a Given Ratio to Two Points
April 20, 2005 External Angle Bisector
April 20, 2005 Tangency Point of Two Circles
April 19, 2005 Property of Angle Bisectors II
April 19, 2005 Property of Angle Bisectors
April 18, 2005 Adams' Circle
April 17, 2005 Inscribed Angles
April 16, 2005 Inscribed and Central Angles in a Circle
April 15, 2005 Divisibility by 7, 11, and 13
April 14, 2005 Inflection Points of Fourth Degree Polynomials
April 12, 2005 Munching on Circles
April 10, 2005 Signs in a Matrix
April 8, 2005 Partitioning 3-Space with Circles
April 7, 2005 Maximum Volume of a Cut Off Box
April 2, 2005 A Sticky Problem
March 30, 2005 Angle Trisection by Hippocrates
March 30, 2005 Rotating Gears
March 30, 2005 Morphing
March 29, 2005 Concurrency in Arbelos
March 28, 2005 Structural Constellation
March 27, 2005 Archimedes' Twin Circles and a Brother
March 26, 2005 Concyclic Points in Arbelos
March 21, 2005 Problem of Equal Steps II
March 20, 2005 Problem of Equal Steps
March 19, 2005 Gothic Arc
March 18, 2005 Book of Lemmas: Proposition 15
March 17, 2005 Book of Lemmas: Proposition 13
March 17, 2005 Book of Lemmas: Proposition 12
March 16, 2005 Book of Lemmas: Proposition 10
March 16, 2005 Two Butterflies Theorem III
March 15, 2005 Two Butterflies Theorem II
March 15, 2005 Book of Lemmas: Proposition 6
March 14, 2005 Book of Lemmas: Proposition 5
March 13, 2005 Book of Lemmas: Proposition 3
March 13, 2005 Book of Lemmas: Proposition 2
March 12, 2005 Book of Lemmas: Proposition 1
March 11, 2005 Rectangle in Arbelos
March 9, 2005 4×4×4 Tic Tac Toe
March 7, 2005 What Is Arithmetic?
March 5, 2005 Hummer's Mind Reader
March 3, 2005 Proof #45 of the Pythagorean theorem
March 2, 2005 Coin Game
February 22, 2005 What Is Geometry?
February 10, 2005 Staircase Illusion
February 9, 2005 Poggendorff's Illusion
February 9, 2005 Wundt Block Illusion
February 8, 2005 Wundt Illusion
January 31, 2005 Dividing a Segment into N parts: Besteman's Construction II
January 31, 2005 Dividing a Segment into N parts: Besteman's Construction
January 30, 2005 Dividing a Segment into N parts: GLaD Construction
January 29, 2005 Dividing a Segment into N parts: SaRD Construction
January 7, 2005 Problem in an Equilateral Triangle II
January 6, 2005 Property of the Powers of 2
January 4, 2005 Problem in an Equilateral Triangle

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