Chronology of Updates

Note: I have placed chronology of updates for 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999 into separate files. Starting with 1997, the most recent entries appear topmost. Besides providing an insight of this site's evolution, chronology updates may be used for word searches.

December 12, 2000 Skimming A Century of Calculus
November 23, 2000 Pythagorean Theorem: proofs #33 and #34 by Shai Simonson
November 18, 2000 Morley's Redux and More
November 1, 2000 Redux on numbers simultaneously triangular and square
October 29, 2000 Trigonometric Form of Ceva's Theorem
October 25, 2000 Proof #32 of the Pythagorean Theorem
October 24, 2000 Proof #31 of the Pythagorean Theorem
October 18, 2000 Proof #30 of the Pythagorean Theorem
October 17, 2000 Apollonius Theorem
October 16, 2000 Mathematical Droodles
October 6, 2000 Upgraded the CTK Exchange to a full blown message board
September 18, 2000 Chance Encounters at ICME-9
September 1, 2000 Started Interactive Activities section
August 17, 2000 Impressions from ICME-9
July 16, 2000 4 Construction Problems
July 10, 2000 The Inclusion-Exclusion Principle
July 8, 2000 Box Labels
July 2, 2000 Beatty Sequences
July 1, 2000 Updated the Dots and Fractions page
June 29, 2000 Single formula to express any integer with digits 0-9 each used just once
June 28, 2000 Two Pails Puzzle
June 27, 2000 Binary System
June 17, 2000 Added a nice property to the Stern-Brocot page
June 16, 2000 A Thing In Common
June 11, 2000 Trinary Tree(s) underlying Primitive Pythagorean Triples, H. Andres Lönnemo
May 19, 2000 The Gordian Knot
May 18, 2000 Farmer and Wife To Catch Rooster and Hen
May 13, 2000 Three Jugs Problem
May 5, 2000 Puzzlist vs. Mathematician: A Practical Arithmetic Problem
May 2, 2000 Can you better Sam Loyd?
April 30, 2000 Sam Loyd's Geometric Puzzle
April 26, 2000 A Problem of Divisibility
April 25, 2000 Laws of Sines and Cosines
April 18, 2000 C0 - C0 = [-1, 1]
April 9, 2000 A Broken Calculator
April 1, 2000 Bicolor Towers of Hanoi
March 25, 2000 One 4, a story
March 15, 2000 The Tesseract
February 29, 2000 Cryptarithm #27 (original :)
February 28, 2000 Step into the Elliptic Realm by Michael Somos
February 19, 2000 The Aliquot Game
February 16, 2000 What Is Your Answer to That Question?
February 7, 2000 Jam
January 30, 2000 Menelaus Theorem: Proofs Ugly and Elegant - A. Einstein's View
January 13, 2000 Further Examples of Divisibility Criteria
January 11, 2000 Technologies: Past and Future
January 5, 2000 Frogs and Toads in 2 dimensions
January 1, 2000 3 Utilities Puzzle

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