Self-descriptive Strings
This is a slight modification of the Self-documenting sentences applet. This one is described in M. Gardner's latest book. It appears that the two developments have proceeded in parallel. Gardner presents a short version. (See also [Roberts, p. 84]).
N digits in base N are written in a row and indexed by the numbers
What if applet does not run? |
According to Gardner, there have been several publications tackling this problem. I'll have to look them up in a library. Meanwhile, I'll state the declared results.
There is only one solution in base 10: 6,210,001,000
In bases 4 through 9 the only answers are 1210, 2020, 21200, 3211000, 42101000, 521001000.
For all bases above 6 there is one solution, of the form
R21(0...0)1000, where R is four less than the base, and the number of zeros inside the parentheses is seven less than the base.
- M. Gardner, The Colossal Book of Short Puzzles and Problems, W. W. Norton & Company, 2006, p. 8
- J. Roberts, Lure of the Integers, MAA, 1992
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