Chronology of Updates

Note: I have placed chronology of updates for 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 into separate files. Starting with 1997, the most recent entries appear topmost. Besides providing an insight of this site's evolution, chronology updates may be used for word searches.

December 30, 2002 Medians in a Quadrilateral
December 27, 2002 Shimmer Illusion
December 26, 2002 Twisted Cord Illusion
December 25, 2002 Zöllner's Illusion
December 24, 2002 Clifford's Lemma
December 22, 2002 Sorting Algorithms
December 15, 2002 Height/Width Interplay Illusion
December 14, 2002 The Complete Quadrilateral
December 13, 2002 Hering Illusion
December 3, 2002 Do You Speak Mathematics?
December 2, 2002 Necker Cube
November 30, 2002 Circular Poggendorff and Orbison illusions
November 29, 2002 Bulging lines illusion
November 28, 2002 Assimilation Illusion
November 22, 2002 Bender: A Visual Illusion
November 16, 2002 Optimization Problem in Acute Angle
November 15, 2002 Heron's Problem
November 13, 2002 Math Card Trick by Eric Shrader
November 6, 2002 A Geometric Limit
October 26, 2002 Gergonne and Van Obel Theorems
October 14, 2002 Pythagorean theorem, Proof #40
October 2, 2002 One Pile Games
August 3, 2002 Circle Crosses Triangle
July 25, 2002 Two Butterflies Theorem
July 23, 2002 Parahexagon and Paragon
July 15, 2002 Pascal Lines: Steiner and Kirkman Theorems
July 12, 2002 Napoleon's Propeller
July 5, 2002 Periodic patterns in sin(N)
June 29, 2002 Area of Parallelogram
June 16, 2002 Butterfly Theorem
June 12, 2002 Concyclic Circumcenters: A Sequel
June 5, 2002 Orthopole
May 25, 2002 Dynamic Construction of Ellipse and Other Curves
May 24, 2002 Proof #39 of the Pythagorean theorem
May 23, 2002 Concyclic Circumcenters: A Dynamic View
April 26, 2002 The Puzzlers' Pigeonhole
April 19, 2002 Similarity and the Parallel Postulate by Scott E. Brodie
April 10, 2002 Determination of p
March 26, 2002 A Scrub Tile Puzzle
March 25, 2002 Angle Trisectors on Circumcircle
March 24, 2002 Of Looking and Seeing
March 4, 2002 Circles in Morley's Triangles
February 28, 2002 Peg Solitaire and Group Theory
February 22, 2002 Student's Social Choice
January 12, 2002 All Peano Curves
January 9, 2002 The Constitution and Paradoxes
January 8, 2002 Odd Coin Problems by Jack Wert
January 7, 2002 Started the Social Science section at the Interactive Activities page

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