Chronology of Updates (1997)
December 31 1997 |
Between Arithmetic and Algebra |
December 22 1997 |
Thanks to S.Brodie for the page "Inscribing a regular pentagon in a circle – and proving it" |
December 19 1997 |
A drill applet for Trilateral Diagrams |
December 18 1997 |
Trilateral Diagrams |
December 17 1997 |
Bilateral Diagrams |
December 16 1997 |
Started Lewis Carroll's Logic Game page |
December 14 1997 |
Stewart's theorem and Heron's formula from the Pythagorean Theorem |
December 13 1997 |
The Arithmetic-Geometric Mean Inequality as a consequence of the Pythagorean Theorem |
December 11 1997 |
Another proof of Napoleon's theorem |
December 10 1997 |
Brought the number of proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem to 25. |
December 3 1997 |
Extension of Euclid's Algorithm |
December 2 1997 |
Stern-Brocot Tree and Farey Series |
December 1 1997 |
Tribute to Invariance |
November 30 1997 |
Binary Euclid's Algorithm and relation of gcd to the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic |
November 26 1997 |
What do you call a centipede? |
November 25 1997 |
Squares, Circles, and Triangles |
November 22 1997 |
Distance Between Strings |
November 21 1997 |
Bounded Distance |
November 20 1997 |
Sums and Products |
November 19 1997 |
You can add apples and oranges |
November 16 1997 |
Math Lingo: a bad meme virus |
November 15 1997 |
Looping Chips |
November 14 1997 |
Solitaire in the Circle |
November 13 1997 |
Another proof of Napoleon's Theorem |
November 8 1997 |
Hausdorff Distance |
November 5 1997 |
A simulation for the Marriage Problem |
November 4 1997 |
Further musings on proofs, intuition and axiomatics |
November 3 1997 |
Thanks to S.Brodie for the Bolzano's Theorem page |
November 2 1997 |
Thanks to W.McWorter for the Marriage Theorem |
November 1 1997 |
Dividing Loot Fairly |
October 29 1997 |
Another look at the problem of breaking Chocolate Bars |
October 27 1997 |
Thanks to Richard Beigel for new discussions on Changing Colors puzzle, Separating point sets with a circle, and Irrationality of the square root of 2 |
October 26 1997 |
Number Guessing Game |
October 25 1997 |
Euclid's Game |
October 22 1997 |
Orthogonal latin squares |
October 20 1997 |
4 Knights |
October 18 1997 |
Latin Squares |
October 17 1997 |
One solution to the Josephus Flavius problem |
October 12 1997 |
Conversion of Fractions in Various Bases |
October 10 1997 |
Abacus in Various Number Systems |
October 7 1997 |
Upgraded pages on the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra |
October 5 1997 |
Napier Bones |
October 4 1997 |
Euclid's Algorithm |
October 3 1997 |
Equivalence Relations |
October 2 1997 |
Two weighing problems |
October 1 1997 |
Euler's Function and Congruence Theorem and Chinese Remainder Theorem |
September 30 1997 |
Spreading Memes |
September 28 1997 |
Divisibility Criteria |
September 26 1997 |
Wilson's Theorem |
September 25 1997 |
Formal Framework, an example. |
September 24 1997 |
Fermat's Little Theorem and A Real Life Story |
September 23 1997 |
Modular Arithmetic |
September 22 1997 |
Arithmetic Operations in Various Bases |
September 21 1997 |
Deliberate Ambiguities |
September 19 1997 |
Sperner's Theorem. |
September 18 1997 |
Three Circles and Common Tangents. |
September 17 1997 |
Flipping pancakes. |
September 15 1997 |
A tool to verify some graph features. |
September 14 1997 |
Generalization of the Napoleon's Theorem |
September 13 1997 |
A beautiful property of an and a few pigeonhole problems |
September 11 1997 |
Napoleon's Theorem |
September 10 1997 |
Added a simulation for the Sperner's Lemma |
September 8 1997 |
Infinitude of Primes and Ford's touching circles |
September 6 1997 |
Diagonal Count |
August 13 1997 |
Calendars, a story of mistakes |
August 11 1997 |
Calendar Magic |
August 10 1997 |
Impossible Machine and Long Runs of Composite Numbers |
August 9 1997 |
Number System With Base 36 |
August 8 1997 |
Viewing a Statue |
August 7 1997 |
Added a nice fact about Orthocenters and started a section on Inventor's Paranoia on the Generalization page. |
August 6 1997 |
Added a Spanish Cryptarithm |
August 2 1997 |
Squares and Circles game. |
July 31 1997 |
Plus or Minus game |
July 25 1997 |
Added solutions to the Pigeonhole Principle problems. |
July 24 1997 |
A problem of Constant Chord and a consequence of the Ptolemy's Theorem. |
July 19 1997 |
Mathematical Induction. |
July 16 1997 |
Added the Cosine Rule and Proof #23 of the Pythagorean Theorem. |
July 15 1997 |
Added Proof #22 of the Pythagorean Theorem. |
July 14 1997 |
Ptolemy's Theorem and Proof #21 of the Pythagorean Theorem. |
July 9 1997 |
Brought up the number of proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem to 20. |
July 8 1997 |
Squaring a circle is an impossible task. |
July 7 1997 |
Three circles problem with a beautiful proof. |
July 6 1997 |
Identical Twins Puzzle. |
July 4 1997 |
The Plainim game. |
June 27 1997 |
Superposition Principle. |
June 25 1997 |
Started a page on Linear Programming. |
June 22 1997 |
Group multiplication of permutations. |
June 21 1997 |
How to efficiently defend a castle. |
June 19 1997 |
Ways to define and list permutations. |
June 15 1997 |
Added a hint display to Blithe 12, Lucky 7 and Happy 8 puzzles. |
June 13 1997 |
Added a beautiful proof and a related magic piece. |
June 11 1997 |
Added a couple of pages on the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. |
June 8 1997 |
Added definition of Minkowski operations to the Addition of Shapes page. |
June 7 1997 |
Added a couple of lemmas to the Groups of Permutations and supplied details for the solvability proof of the Happy 8 puzzle. |
June 6 1997 |
Simplified the Binary Color Device. |
June 5 1997 |
Added a page on multiplication of a vector by a matrix. |
June 3 1997 |
Added a Northcott's game. |
May 26 1997 |
Added musings on multiplication of sets and equations. |
May 25 1997 |
Felt like explaining how the Base Conversion works. |
May 24 1997 |
Added a little discussion on Tarski-Banach Decompositions. |
May 23 1997 |
Added proofs #15, #16 and #17 of the Pythagorean Theorem. |
May 22 1997 |
Added a proof #14 of the Pythagorean Theorem. Actually it's not just one proof. |
May 19 1997 |
Expanded Four 4s up to 185. |
May 18 1997 |
Added a little something on matrix multiplication and functions. |
May 17 1997 |
Added the game of Scoring and Nimble |
May 10 1997 |
Added a short discussion on multiplication of functions |
May 9 1997 |
Added a few French cryptarithms |
May 6 1997 |
Started a counter and made it funny on May 8. |
May 3 1997 |
Added a simulation to the Breaking Chocolate Bar page |
April 30 1997 |
Added a couple of beautiful facts |
April 26 1997 |
Added a Reverse Solitaire puzzle. Also, made the whole of alt.bookstore searcheable. |
April 25 1997 |
Redesigned Peg Solitaire. Added a variety of starting configurations. |
April 22 1997 |
Added a page on Steiner's Theorem |
April 20 1997 |
Added a page on Russell's Paradox |
April 19 1997 |
Added a page on Vector product |
April 18 1997 |
Began describing The many ways to construct a triangle |
April 17 1997 |
Added a page on the Shoemaker's Knfie |
April 15 1997 |
Computing a simple integral without Calculus |
April 13 1997 |
A big day: stumbled into 4 more proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem to the total of 13. |
April 12 1997 |
Added some musings on Shapes in a lattice and Separating point sets with a circle |
April 10 1997 |
Added a Changing Colors puzzle |
April 8 1997 |
Added a simple proof about a Longest segment |
April 7 1997 |
Added a page on Peano axioms and multiplication of integers |
April 6 1997 |
Started a page on Multiplication and another on Things Impossible |
April 5 1997 |
Added a little discussion on Homogeneous Functions to the Generalizations page |
April 3 1997 |
Started a Math Magic page |
April 2 1997 |
Added a Generalizations of the Pythagorean Theorem to the Generalizations page |
March 29 1997 |
Started a quotations page on Beauty of Matheamtics |
March 28 1997 |
Added a couple of problems on Covering A Chessboard With Domino |
March 24 1997 |
Added a couple of simple proofs |
March 23 1997 |
Added Two coins and Train wheel puzzles to the Cycloids page |
March 22 1997 |
Made the banner clickable |
March 21 1997 |
Made a game out of the CHECKER - JUMPING problem |
March 17 1997 |
Added some ass business to the Manifesto |
March 16 1997 |
Added a beautiful proof about one of the conic sections |
March 15 1997 |
Added a Weierstrass Product Inequality to the Generalizations page |
March 14 1997 |
Added a short discussion on Breaking Chocolate Bars |
March 13 1997 |
Added a Peg Solitaire puzzle |
March 9 1997 |
Added a page on the Index Lemma and the Fixed Point Theorem |
March 8 1997 |
Added a couple of pages to the Manifesto |
March 2 1997 |
Finally added my Manifesto as to the purpose of this site. Couldn't wait until April 1. |
February 28 1997 |
Added a Continued fractions page. |
February 26 1997 |
Added a little something about linear functions. |
February 24 1997 |
Added ruminations on the right way of adding milk to coffee. |
February 23 1997 |
Added an article from The American Mathematical Monthly and my reply to it to the Mathematics as a Language page |
February 18 1997 |
Added a page on Cantor Set and Function. Upgraded the Three 3's,4's, and 5's pages |
February 17 1997 |
Expanded pages on Proofs in Mathematics and Mathematics as a language |
February 16 1997 |
Started a page on Proofs in Mathematics |
February 13 1997 |
Added the Turning Turtles game |
February 11 1997 |
Added the Wythoff's Nim puzzle |
February 7 1997 |
Added a proof of solvability of the Blithe 12 puzzle |
February 6 1997 |
Upgraded Self-reference page |
February 4 1997 |
Added a page on Misuse and Misconception of Statistics |
February 3 1997 |
Upgraded the Coincidence page |
February 2 1997 |
Started Mathematics as a language page |
February 1 1997 |
Upgraded proofs for the Fifteen, Sliders, Lucky 7, and Happy 8 puzzles |
January 30 1997 |
Added some musings about American Schoolteacher and my gullibility |
January 25 1997 |
Started a page of Addition |
January 24 1997 |
Scanned a few pages from The Power of Logical Thinking by Marylin vos Savant. Makes a good reading. |
January 22 1997 |
Added a page on Mathematical Proof |
January 18 1997 |
Added The only rational triangle page |
January 16 1997 |
Added a Binary Color Device to help learn boolean bitwise operations. |
January 5 1997 |
Converted the Bibliography page into a Bookstore in association with |
January 4 1997 |
Started a Fast Arithmetic Tips page. |
January 1 1997 |
Added a page on Pigeonhole Principle |
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Copyright © 1996-2018 Alexander Bogomolny