3-Colors Tower of Hanoi
Professor John Mason of the Open University alerted me to the fact that the 3-color Tower of Hanoi puzzle is solvable if the goal is to affect a derangement of stacks of disks of the same color. The only restriction for a move is that a bigger disk can't be placed on top of a smaller one.
(To work out the puzzle, drag the disks from one peg to another. Drop it there.)
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The puzzle is indeed solvable. You should not try it, though, if your patience is lacking. Time permitting I'll add an animated solution.
Stuart Anderson came up with a recursive algorithm for automatic solution of the puzzle. You can see how it works either Slow or Fast
- Tower of Hanoi
- Tower of Hanoi, the Hard Way
- Bicolor Towers of Hanoi
- 3-Colors Tower of Hanoi
- 3-Colors Tower of Hanoi (Algorithm)
- Hanoing
- Sierpinski Gasket and Tower of Hanoi
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