Math Glossary, Math Terms, C
- Cabart's Collinearity
- Cake cutting
- Calendar Magic
- Calisson
- Candido's Identity
- Candy's Theorem
- Canonical Equation of Conics
- Canter
- Cantor Function
- Cantor set
- Cantor's lines
- Cantor's point
- Cantor's theorem
- Cantor-Bernstein-Schroeder theorem
- Cardinal
- Cardioid
- Carnot's Theorem
- Carnot's Theorem
- Carnot's Theorem (Generalization of Wallace's Theorem on simsons)
- Carnot's Theorem for Conics
- Carpets Theorem
- Cartesian coordinates
- Cassini's identity
- Cassini's Ovals
- Catalan numbers
- Cauchy's inequality
- Cauchy-Binet Formula
- Cauchy's limit
- Cauchy sequence
- Cavalieri's Principle
- Cayley's Lines
- Cayley Table
- Cayley's Theorem
- Ceiling Function
- Cellular Automaton
- Center Circles
- Center of Inversion
- Center of Similitude of Two Circles
- Centipede
- Central Angle
- Central Similarity
- Central Limit Theorem
- Centroid
- Ceva's Theorem
- Cevian
- Cevian Nest
- Cevian Triangle
- Changing Colors
- Chaos
- Characteristic Constants of the n-Line
- Characteristic function
- Chasles' Theorem
- Chebyshev polynomials
- Checker - jumping
- Chevalier de Méré's Problem
- Chinese Remainder Theorem
- Chord (in circle)
- Chromatic Number of the Plane
- Chronology of updates
- Chvatal's Art Gallery Theorem
- Circle
- Circle of Apollonius
- Circle of Concern
- Circle of Influence
- Circle of Similitude (of three directly similar figures)
- Circle of Similitude (of two circles)
- Circle-Stacking Theorem
- Circuit, same as cycle
- Circulant Matrix
- Circular Coordinates
- Circular Poggendorff Illusion
- Circumference
- Circum-orthic Triangle
- Circumcenter
- Circumcevian Triangle
- Circumcircle
- Circumpedal Triangle
- Circumradius
- Circumscriptible Polygon
- City-block distance
- Classification of Triangles
- Cleavance center
- Cleaver
- Clifford's Chain
- Clifford's Lemma
- Clinant
- Closed interval
- Closed set
- Closed walk
- Closure
- Coalition
- Coaxal circles
- Coaxal Circles Theorem
- Coincidence
- Collatz Conjecture
- Collinear points
- Collage Theorem
- Column vector
- Combination
- Combinatorial Proofs
- Common Fraction
- Common Notions of Euclid
- Commutative group
- Commutativity
- Compact sets
- Compactification
- Comparing complex numbers.
- Complementary angles
- Complementary event
- Complementary sequences
- Complete graph
- Complete induction
- Complete order
- Complete Quadrangle
- Complete Quadrilateral
- Completeness
- Completion of a Space
- Completing the Square and Quadratic Formula
- Complex numbers
- Complex product of Complex Numbers
- Complex Projective Line
- Composite number
- Composition
- Compound Interest
- Concatenation
- Concentric circles
- Concentric polygons
- Concurrent lines
- Concyclic Points
- Conditional Probability
- Conditionally convergent series
- Cone
- Conformal
- Congruent sets
- Congruence Modulo a Number
- Conic Sections
- Conjugate complex numbers
- Conjugate coordinates
- Conjugate Diameters in Ellipse
- Conjugate families of circles
- Conjugate points
- Conjunction
- Connected component of a graph
- Connected graph
- Connected set
- Consecutive Isosceles Decomposition
- Consistency
- Constant Chord
- Constant Random Variable
- Constant width, shapes of
- Constructible Numbers
- Construction problem
- Construction with the Compass Only
- Contact Triangle
- Content
- Continuity
- Continued fraction
- Continuous Function
- Continuous Line Illusion
- Continuum
- Continuum Hypothesis
- Contraction Mapping Theorem
- Convergent
- Convergent Sequence
- Convergent Series
- Converse theorem
- Convex hull
- Convex shape
- Convolution
- Conway's Circle
- Coolidge theorem
- Coordinate
- Copernicus' Theorem
- Coprime
- Cosine Rule
- Countable sets
- Counting: The Beginning of Mathematics
- Counting numbers
- Covering A Chessboard With Domino
- Critical Player
- Cross product
- Crosscap
- Crossing Diagonal Method
- Crossing Number of a Graph
- Crossover
- Cross-Ratio
- Crossed-Lines Construction of Shapes of Constant Width
- Császár Polyhedron
- Cuboid
- Curry's Paradox
- Curve
- Curvilinear triangle
- Cutting pipes
- Cycle (a permutation)
- Cycle (on a graph), same as circuit
- Cyclic quadrilaterals
- Cycloids
- Cyclotomic Equation
- Cylinder
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