Math Glossary, Math Terms, T

- 3-4-5 triangle
- 3 glass puzzle
- 3 glass puzzle, second, more general tool
- T-Junction
- Take-Away Games
- Tangent Pair
- Tangent to two circles
- Circle of Similitude
- Tangential triangle
- Tarski-Banach Decompositions
- Taylor circle
- Taylor series
- Telescoping Series
- Ternary number system
- Tessellation
- Tesseract
- Thales' Theorem (right inscribed angle)
- Thales' Theorem (right inscribed angle)
- Thales' Theorem (parallel transversals)
- The only rational triangle
- The Two Men of Tibet Problem
- Thébault's Problem I
- Thébault's Problem II
- Thébault's Problem III
- Theorem of Complete Quadrilateral
- Theorem of Theaetetus
- Thick set
- Thin set
- Third Proportional
- Three pancakes problem
- Three 3s
- Three 4s
- Three 5s
- Three Circles and Common Tangents
- Three circles problem
- Three Tangents Theorem
- Tip of an ear
- Toads And Frogs Puzzle
- Toothpick Construction of a Square
- Topological equivalence
- Topological Space
- Topological transformation
- Topology
- Torque
- Torricelli point"
- Torricelli's Trumpet
- Torus
- Totality (of a binary relation)
- Totally ordered set
- Tower of Hanoi
- Toys and Tots problem
- Trachoids
- Train wheel quandary
- Transcendental numbers
- Transfinite Cardinality
- Transitive groups
- Transitivity in Action
- Translation Transform
- Transpose of a vector
- Transposition
- Transversal
- Transverse gallop
- Trapezoid
- Tree
- Trefoil knot
- Trema
- Triangle Classification
- Triangle Inequality, the
- Triangle of Similitude
- Triangular Billiard
- Triangular numbers
- Triangulation
- Triangulation Dual
- Trichotomy, the law of
- Trigonometric Form of Ceva's Theorem
- Trigonometric Form of Complex Numbers
- Trilateral Diagrams
- Trilinear Coordinates
- Trivial Ramsey Number
- Tromino
- Trot
- Tucker Circles
- Turkevich's Inequality, 1
- Turkevich's Inequality, 2
- Turn
- Turning Turtles
- Tweedledum & Tweedledee Principle
- Twin Circles of Archimedes
- Twisted Cord Illusion
- Two Butterflies Theorem
- Two Circles Theorem
- Two coins puzzle
- Two Envelopes Paradox
- Two Numbers Guessing Game
- Two-squares identity

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