Math Glossary, Math Terms, D
- Dan-Stefan Marinescu Inequality
- Dart
- Data Structure
- Date Game
- Day's Sine Illusion
- de Bruijn cycle
- Decimal numeral
- Decomposition by Dissection
- Dedekind cut
- Defect of a Langford Sequence
- Deficient Number
- Degree of a vertex
- Delboeuf Illusion
- Delian Problem
- Deliberate Ambiguities
- Deltahedron
- Deltoid
- de Moivre's formula
- De Moivre numbers
- de Morgan's Formulas
- Demagoguery
- Denuminator
- Dependent Events
- Dense set
- Density function
- Density (of a binary relation)
- Derangement
- Desargues' Theorem
- Descartes' formula
- Descartes' Rule of Signs
- Determinant
- Devil's pitchfork
- Diagonal Count
- Diagonal matrix
- Diagonal process
- Diagonal Triangulation
- Diagonals of the complete quadrilateral
- Diameter of a circle
- Diameter of a triangulation
- Diameter of a convex shape
- Diaz-Metcalf inequality
- Dihedral Symmetry
- Difference of two sets
- Digital Root
- Digits, fun with
- Digraph
- Dilation
- Dimensional Analysis
- Diophantine Equation
- Direct product
- Direct sum
- Directed Angle
- Directly Congruent Figures
- Directly Equidecomposable
- Directrix
- Disappearing Lines (puzzle)
- Disconnected graph
- Discovery of Duane DeTemple
- Discriminant of Quadratic Expression
- Disjoint Events
- Disjunction
- Disjunctive Rule
- Disjunctive sum of games
- Distance
- Distance Between Strings
- Distance Formula
- Distance From a Point to a Straight Line
- Distance on the sphere
- Distance to the Horizon
- Distorted Lines Illusion
- Distributive Laws
- Divergent Series
- Divide a segment into n equal parts
- Divisibility by 3
- Divisibility by 4
- Divisibility by 7
- Divisibility by 8
- Divisibility by 9
- Divisibility by 11
- Divisibility by 81
- Divisibility Criteria
- Divisor of zero
- d'Ocagne's identity
- Dodecagon
- Dot Patterns and Sierpinski Gasket
- Do you know that...
- Dot product
- Double Argument Formulas
- Double Factorial
- Double Generation Theorem
- Double negative
- Double angle formula for sine
- Doubling the Cube
- Douglas' Theorem
- Drawing circles and ellipses
- Droodles
- Droz-Farny Circles
- Droz-Farny Line Theorem
- Dual to Pappus' Theorem
- Duality
- Duality Principle
- Ducci Sequence
- Duplication of the Cube
- Dumb Parrot
- Dynamic Construction of Ellipse and Other Curves
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