Representation of numbers with three 4's

1 (4 + 4)/4 = (4×4)/4
2 (4 + 4)/4
3 4 - 4/4
4 4 + 4 - 4 = 4×4/4
5 4 + 4/4
6 4 + 4/4
7 4!! - 4/4
8 4!! + 4 - 4
9 4!! + 4/4
10 (4 + 4)/.4 = 4!! + 4/4
11 44/4
12 4 + 4 + 4 = 4×4 - 4
13 4/.(4) + 4
14 4/.4 + 4 = 4×4 - 4
15 4×4 - [4]
16 (4 + 4)×4 = 4!! + 4 + 4 = 4! - 4 - 4
17 4/.(4) + 4!!
18 4×4 + 4
19 [4×4!/4!]
20 4!! + 4!! + 4 = 4×4 + 4
21 4! - 4 + [4]
22 4! - 4/4
23 4! - 4/4
24 4! + 4 - 4 = 4!! + 4!! + 4!!
25 4! + 4/4
26 4! + 4/4
27 4! + 4 - [4]
28 4! + 4×4
29 4! + 4 + [4]
30 4! + 4 + 4
31 4!!×4 - [4](1)
32 4! + 4 + 4
33 4!!×4 + [4](1) = 4! + 4/.(4)
34 4! + 4/.4

(1) By Andre Gustavo dos Santos from Brasil

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