Joachimsthal's Notations
Ferdinand Joachimsthal (1818-1861) was a German mathematician and educator famous for the high quality of his lectures and the books he wrote. The notations named after him and discussed below serve one of the examples where the language of mathematics is especially auspicious for derivation and memorization of properties of mathematical objects. Joachimsthal's notations have had extended influence beyond the study of second order equations and conic sections, compare for example the work of F. Morley.
A general second degree equation
(1) | Ax2 + 2Bxy + Cy2 + 2Fx + 2Gy + H = 0 |
represents a plane conic, or a conic section, i.e., the intersection of a circular two-sided cone with a plane. The equations for ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas all can be written in this form. These curves are said to be non-degenerate conics. Non-degenerate conics are obtained when the plane cutting a cone does not pass through its vertex. If the plane does go through the cone's vertex, the intersection may be either two crossing straight lines, a single straight line and even a point. These point sets are said to be degenerate conics. In the following, we shall be only concerned with a non-degenerate case.
The left-hand side in (1) will be conveniently denoted as s:
(2) | s = Ax2 + 2Bxy + Cy2 + 2Fx + 2Gy + H |
so that the second degree equation (1) acquires a very short form:
(3) | s = 0. |
A point P(x1, y1) may or may not lie on the conic defined by (1) or (3). If it does, we get an identity by substituting
(4) | Ax12 + 2Bx1y1 + Cy12 + 2Fx1 + 2Gy1 + H = 0, |
which has a convenient Joachimsthal's equivalent
(5) | s11 = 0. |
For another point P(x2, y2) we similarly define s22 and, in general, for points
(6) | sii = Axi2 + 2Bxiyi + Cyi2 + 2Fxi + 2Gyi + H. |
Thus, sii = 0 means that P(xi, yi) lies on the conic (3),
There is also a mixed notation. For two points P(xi, yi) and
(7) | sij = Axixj + B(xiyj + xjyi) + Cyiyj + F(xi + xj) + G(yi + yj) + H. |
Clearly for P(xi, yi) = P(xj, yj), (7) reduces to (6). An important observation is that sij is symmetrical in its indices:
(8) | sij = sji. |
The last of Joachimsthal's conventions brings the first whiff of an indication as to how useful the notations may be. In sij both
(9) | si = Axix + B(xiy + xyi) + Cyiy + F(xi + x) + G(yi + y) + H. |
The curious thing about (9) is that, although sij was probably perceived as a number, si appears to dependent on "variable" x and y and thus is mostly perceived as a function of these variables. As a function of x and y, (9) is linear, i.e. of first degree, so that
Let point P(xi, yi) lie on the conic s = 0. In other words, assume that
Any point P(x, y) on the line through two distinct points P(x1, y1) and P(x2, y2) is a linear combination of the two points:
(10) | P(x, y) = t·P(x1, x1) + (1 - t)·P(x2, x2), |
which is just a parametric equation of the straight line. Substitute (10) into (2). The exercise may be a little tedious but is quite straightforward. The result is a quadratic expression in t:
(11) | s(t) = t2·(s11 + s22 - 2s12) + 2t·(s12 - s22) + s22. |
Line (10) and conic (1) will have 0, 1, or 2 common points depending on the number of roots of the quadratic equation
(12) |
The line is tangent to the conic iff the quadratic equation has two equal roots, i.e. when
(13) | s122 = s11·s22. |
This is an interesting identity valid for any line tangent to the conic, with
(14) | s12 = 0. |
Now, since this is true for any point
(15) | s1 = 0, |
which proves the theorem.
Tangent Pair
If two points P(x1, y1) and P(x2, y2) are such that the line joining them is tangent to a conic s = 0, then as in (13),
(16) | s12 = s11·s. |
The latter is a quadratic equation which may be factorized into the product of two linear equations each representing a tangent to the conic through
Let s = x2 + 4y2 - 25, so that
s11 = -25 and s1 = -25. |
So that (16) becomes
s = -25, or x2 + 4y2 = 0. |
Obviously the equation has no real roots (besides
s11 = 25 and s1 = 5x + 10y - 25. |
(16) then becomes
(5x + 10y - 25)2 = 25·(x2 + 4y2 - 25). |
First, let's simplify this to
(x + 2y - 5)2 = x2 + 4y2 - 25. |
Second, let's multiply out and simplify by collecting the like terms:
2xy - 5x - 10y + 25 = 0, |
which is factorized into
(x - 5)·(2y - 5) = 0. |
Conclusion: here are two tangents from (5, 5/2) to the ellipse:
Poles and Polars With Respect To a Conic
Let P(x1, y1) be a point outside a conic
Then the tangents have the equations (15)
(17) | s2 = 0 and s3 = 0 |
and also meet at P(x1, y1):
(18) | s21 = 0 and s31 = 0. |
Because of the symmetry of the notations, we have
(19) | s12 = 0 and s13 = 0, |
which says that points
(20) | s1 = 0. |
The latter is uniquely determined by P(x1, y1), which, too, can be retrieved from (20). We define
Thus we see that the pole/polar definitions generalize naturally from the circle to other non-degenerate conics. We now prove La Hire's
If point P(x1, y1) lies on the polar of P(x2, y2) with respect to a conic
Ineed, P(x1, y1) lies on the polar
- D. A. Brannan et al, Geometry, Cambridge University Press, 2002
Poles and Polars
- Poles and Polars
- Brianchon's Theorem
- Complete Quadrilateral
- Harmonic Ratio
- Harmonic Ratio in Complex Domain
- Inversion
- Joachimsthal's Notations
- La Hire's Theorem
- La Hire's Theorem, a Variant
- La Hire's Theorem in Ellipse
- Nobbs' Points, Gergonne Line
- Polar Circle
- Pole and Polar with Respect to a Triangle
- Poles, Polars and Quadrilaterals
- Straight Edge Only Construction of Polar
- Tangents and Diagonals in Cyclic Quadrilateral
- Secant, Tangents and Orthogonality
- Poles, Polars and Orthogonal Circles
- Seven Problems in Equilateral Triangle, Solution to Problem 1
- Conic Sections
- Conic Sections as Loci of Points
- Construction of Conics from Pascal's Theorem
- Cut the Cone
- Dynamic construction of ellipse and other curves
- Joachimsthal's Notations
- MacLaurin's Construction of Conics
- Newton's Construction of Conics
- Parallel Chords in Conics
- Theorem of Three Tangents to a Conic
- Three Parabolas with Common Directrix
- Butterflies in a Pencil of Conics
- Ellipse
- Parabola
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