Binomial Distribution
Binomial distribution is the distribution of a total number of successes in a given number of Bernoulli trials. The common notation is
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For a fixed number of trials n, the binomial distribution always behaves in the same way: as a function of k, it is monotone increasing up to a certain point m after which (perhaps with an exception of the next point) it is monotone decreasing.
b(k; n, p) / b(k-1; n, p) | = C(n, k) pk(1 - p)n - k / C(n, k-1) pk-1(1 - p)n - k + 1 | |
(1) | = (n - k + 1) p / k(1 - p) | |
= 1 + ((n + 1) p - k) / k(1 - p). | ||
It is clear now that the right hand side in (1) is greater than 1 whenever
b(m; n, p) = b(m - 1; n, p). | |
In any event, there is only one integer m that satisfies
(2) | (n + 1) p - 1 < m ≤ (n + 1) p. |
Summing up, as a function of k, the expression b(k; n, p) is monotone increasing for
The number m that satisfies (2) is known as the most probable (most likely) number of successes in n Bernoulli trials. As a matter of fact,
∑ k b(k; n, p) | = ∑ k C(n, k) pkqn - k | |
= pqn-1∑ k C(n, k) (p/q)k - 1 | ||
= pqn-1 n (1 + p/q)n - 1 | ||
= pqn-1 n (q + p)n - 1 / qn - 1 | ||
= p n, | ||
where we used the identity
n (1 + x)n - 1 | = ∑ k C(n, k) xk - 1. | |
The result for the expected value np = ∑ k b(k; n, p) might have been anticipated given the interpretation of the probability as a relative frequency.
Note that the expected value np is always different from the most likely value

- What Is Probability?
- Intuitive Probability
- Probability Problems
- Sample Spaces and Random Variables
- Probabilities
- Example: A Poker Hand
- Bernoulli Trials
- Binomial Distribution
- Proofreading Example
- Conditional Probability
- Dependent and Independent Events
- Algebra of Random Variables
- Expectation
- Probability Generating Functions
- Probability of Two Integers Being Coprime
- Random Walks
- Probabilistic Method
- Probability Paradoxes
- Symmetry Principle in Probability
- Non-transitive Dice

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