Tiling a Rectangle with L-tetrominoes
Find a necessary and sufficient condition that an a×b rectangle can be exactly covered (completely, and without overlaps) with L-tetrominoes.
The problem has been posted by G. W. Golomb in 1962 and the solution below is due to D. A. Klarner, Humboldt State College, Arcata, California (The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 70, No. 7 (Aug. - Sep., 1963), pp. 760-761)
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Find a necessary and sufficient condition that an a×b rectangle can be exactly covered (completely, and without overlaps) with L-tetrominoes.
Since 4 divides ab, a may be taken even. Let a/2 alternate rows of b squares each be colored black in the rectangle.
Then every L-tetromino in the covering must cover three squares of one color and one square of the other. If m L-tetrominoes cover three black squares and n L-tetrominoes cover three white squares, then
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