An Inequality for Cevians And The Ratio of Circumradius and Inradius


An Inequality for Cevians And The Ratio of Circumradius and Inradius


An Inequality for Cevians And The Ratio of Circumradius and Inradius - problem


By the Law of Cosines, in $\Delta XYC,$

$\displaystyle \begin{align} XY^2 &= XC^2+YC^2-2\cdot XC\cdot YC\cdot\cos C\\ &\ge 2\cdot XC\cdot YC\cdot(1-\cos C)=4\cdot XC\cdot YC\cdot\sin^2\frac{C}{2}. \end{align}$

It follows that $\displaystyle XY\ge 2\sqrt{XC\cdot YC}\cdot\sin\frac{C}{2}.\,$ Similarly, $\displaystyle YZ\ge 2\sqrt{YA\cdot ZA}\cdot\sin\frac{A}{2}\,$ and $\displaystyle ZX\ge 2\sqrt{XB\cdot ZB}\cdot\sin\frac{B}{2}.\,$

Multiplying the three we get

$\displaystyle \small{XY\cdot YZ\cdot ZX\ge 8\sqrt{XC\cdot XB\cdot YC\cdot YA\cdot ZA\cdot ZB}\cdot\sin\frac{A}{2}\cdot\sin\frac{B}{2}\cdot\sin\frac{C}{2}}.$


$\displaystyle\small{\frac{XB}{XY}\cdot\frac{YC}{YZ}\cdot \frac{ZA}{ZV}\le\sqrt{\frac{XB}{XC}\cdot \frac{YC}{YA}\cdot \frac{ZA}{ZB}}\cdot \frac{\displaystyle 1}{8\cdot\sin\frac{A}{2}\sin\frac{B}{2}\sin\frac{C}{2}}=\frac{R}{2r}}$

because, by Ceva's theorem, $g=\displaystyle \frac{XB}{XC}\cdot \frac{YC}{YA}\cdot \frac{ZA}ZB.$


The problem by Titu Andreescu has been posted by Miguel Ochoa Sanchez at the Peru Geometrico facebook group and commented with a solution (above) by Marian Dinca. I am grateful to Leo Giugiuc for bringing this problem to my attention.


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