Represent 6 with 3 identical digits using only the usual arithmetic operations, factorials and square roots
(1 + 1 + 1)! | = 6 |
2 + 2 + 2 | = 6 |
3×3 - 3 | = 6 |
√4 + √4 + √4 | = 6 |
5/5 + 5 | = 6 |
6×6/6 | = 6 |
7 - 7/7 | = 6 |
8 - √(√(8 + 8)) | = 6 |
√(9×9) - √9 | = 6 |
(0! + 0! + 0!)! | = 6 |
Both the problem and its solution have been submitted by Tobias Danielsson.
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