Useful Inequalities Among Complex Numbers
By definition, for a complex number z = x + yi,
|z|2 = x2 + y2 = Re(z)2 + Im(z)2. |
From here,
|z|2 ≥ Re(z)2 and |z|2 ≥ Im(z)2. |
And, finally,
|z| ≥ |Re(z)| and |z| ≥ |Im(z)|. |
The above help prove the triangle inequality in a formal manner.
Since both |z + w| and |z| + |w| are non-negative,
|z + w| ≤ |z| + |w|. |
The equality holds if one of the numbers is 0 and, in a non-trivial case, only when Im(zw') = 0 and Re(zw') is positive. This is equivalent to the requirement that z/w be a positive real number.
Let's apply the triangle inequality in a round-about way:
In other words,
|z| - |w| ≤ |z - w| |
holds for any z and w. In particular, it holds for w and z (i.e., after the exchange of the symbols):
|w| - |z| ≤ |w - z| = |z - w|. |
We can combine the two inequalities in one:
||w| - |z|| ≤ |z - w|. |
We conclude from the latter inequality that the absolute value function f(z) = |z| is continuous: if two complex numbers z and w are close, so are their absolute values. The converse is not true. If
- T. Andreescu, D. Andrica, Complex Numbers From A to ... Z, Birkhäuser, 2006
- C. W. Dodge, Euclidean Geometry and Transformations, Dover, 2004 (reprint of 1972 edition)
- Liang-shin Hahn, Complex Numbers & Geometry, MAA, 1994
- E. Landau, Foundations of Analisys, Chelsea Publ, 3rd edition, 1966
Complex Numbers
- Algebraic Structure of Complex Numbers
- Division of Complex Numbers
- Useful Identities Among Complex Numbers
- Useful Inequalities Among Complex Numbers
- Trigonometric Form of Complex Numbers
- Real and Complex Products of Complex Numbers
- Complex Numbers and Geometry
- Plane Isometries As Complex Functions
- Remarks on the History of Complex Numbers
- Complex Numbers: an Interactive Gizmo
- Cartesian Coordinate System
- Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
- Complex Number To a Complex Power May Be Real
- One can't compare two complex numbers
- Riemann Sphere and Möbius Transformation
- Problems
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