Multiplication by 9, 99, 999, etc.
One way to multiply a number by 9 is to multiply by 10 and then subtract the number from the product. There is another way to multiply fast by 9 and as the first one it has an analogue for multiplication by 99, 999 and all such numbers. Let's start with the multiplication by 9.
To multiply a one digit number a by 9, first subtract 1 and form
9a = bc.
For example, find 6×9 (so that a = 6.) First subtract:
Next, find 37×99. First, subtract 1:
Why does this work? For the multiplication by 9, bc = 10b + c:
bc | = 10b + c |
= 10(a - 1) + (9 - (a - 1)) | |
= 10a - 10 + 10 - a | |
= 9a, |
as required. Similarly, for a 2-digit a:
bc | = 100b + c |
= 100(a - 1) + (99 - (a - 1)) | |
= 100a - 100 + 100 - a | |
= 99a. |
Do try the same derivation for a three digit number. As an example,
543×999 | = 1000×542 + (999 - 542) |
= 999×542 + 999 | |
= 999×543 |
just by using the distributive law twice.
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