Equidecomposition of a Triangle and a Rectangle II
A triangle is equidecomposable with a rectangle. Based on such a decomposition one can easily obtain the basic formula for the Area of Parallelogramarea of a triangle:
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Equidecomposition by Dissiection
- Carpet With a Hole
- Equidecomposition of a Rectangle and a Square
- Equidecomposition of Two Parallelograms
- Equidecomposition of Two Rectangles
- Equidecomposition of a Triangle and a Rectangle
- Equidecomposition of a Triangle and a Rectangle II
- Two Symmetric Triangles Are Directly Equidecomposable
- Wallace-Bolyai-Gerwien Theorem
- Perigal's Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem
- A Proof Perigal and All Others After Him Missed
- Dissection of a Vase
- Curvy Dissection
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