Intouch Triangle in Poncelet Porism: What is this about?
A Mathematical Droodle
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Copyright © 1996-2018 Alexander BogomolnyThe applet attempts to illustrate a property of the intouch triangles involved in the Poncelet porism: let ABC be a generic triangle inscribed in and circumscribed around two given circles, O(R) and I(r). If d, the distance between the centers of the circles satisfies
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... to be continued ...
- L. Emelyanov and T. Emelyanova, Euler’s Formula and Poncelet’s Porism, Forum Geometricorum, Volume 1 (2001) 137–140
- W. Gallatly, The Modern Geometry of the Triangle, Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Library (December 20, 2005)

Poncelet Porism
- Poncelet's Porism
- Extouch Triangle in Poncelet Porism
- Fuss' Theorem
- Intouch Triangle in Poncelet Porism
- Euler's Formula and Poncelet Porism
- Poncelet Porism in Ellipses

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Copyright © 1996-2018 Alexander Bogomolny72252978