Subject: Probabilities of decks of cards
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 09:20:45 -0700
From: Robert Tonkel

Please help with novice probability problems: Please offer an explanation of your counting process:

Draw 4 cards from a standard deck of cards find probabilities of:

  1. p( all 4 cards have the same units) I used p=e/s (event/sample) (13,4) (4,1)/ (52,4)
  2. p(all 4 cards are face cards (J,Q,K)) I did: p = (12,4) (3,1)/(52,4)
  3. p at lease 2 cards have the same value I did: compliment problem p = 1- p(no two are alike) p = 1 - (13,4) (48,0)/(52,4)

Please explain the counting process used. Thanks for your assisistance and understanding.

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