Skyscrapers Puzzle
Skyscrapers is a logical puzzle that I learned from, a site of online games & puzzles.
Imagine a well designed city where all streets are either parallel or perpendicular. The city buildings are arranged in a N×N square of peculiar property: the numbers of floors in the buildings form a Latin square. These are not shown. It is your task to retrieve those numbers.
You are given clues: the numbers on the sides of the N×N square show how many buildings are seen from that point in the corresponding (either horizontal or vertical) direction. To produce a number click repeatedly in a square where a building is expected.
The applet below has several controls:
- Undo last: reverses the result of the last click.
- Restart: returns to the beginning of the current puzzle.
- New: starts a new puzzle.
- Store: stores the current configuration of the puzzle.
- Restore: restores the last stored configuration of the puzzle.
Also you may choose to display the numbers, the "skyscrapers", or both.
What if applet does not run? |

Latin Squares
- Latin Squares: An Introduction
- Two Simple Problems with Latin Squares
- Latin Squares. Simple Construction
- Orthogonal Latin Squares
- Marriage Problem, a constructive proof
- Robbers divide their loot
- Infinite Latin Squares
- Skyscrapers Puzzle

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