Infinitude of Primes
A one-line proof
$\displaystyle0\lt\prod_{p}\sin \left(\frac{\pi}{p}\right)=\prod_{p}\sin \left(\pi\frac{1+2\displaystyle\prod_{p'}p'}{p}\right)=0.$
(There is a great video, explaining the above formula.)
- S. Northshield, A One-Line Proof of the Infinitude of Primes, Am Math Monthly Volume 122, Number 5, May 2015, pp. 466-466(1)
- Infinitude of Primes
- Infinitude of Primes - A Topological Proof
- Infinitude of Primes - A Topological Proof without Topology
- Infinitude of Primes Via *-Sets
- Infinitude of Primes Via Coprime Pairs
- Infinitude of Primes Via Fermat Numbers
- Infinitude of Primes Via Harmonic Series
- Infinitude of Primes Via Lower Bounds
- Infinitude of Primes - via Fibonacci Numbers
- New Proof of Euclid's Theorem
- Infinitude Of Primes From Legendre's Formula
- Infinitude of Primes - via Bertrand's Postulate
- Infinitude of Primes - An Impossible Injection
- Infinitude of Primes - from Infinitude of Mutual Primes
- Infinitude of Primes Via Euler's Product Formula
- Infinitude of Primes Via Euler's Product Formula for Pi
- Infinitude of Primes Via Powers of 2
- Infinitude of Primes As a Quickie
- A One-Line Proof of the Infinitude of Primes
- Infinitude of Primes - A. Thue's Proof
- Why The Number of Primes Could Not Be Finite?
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