Awards and Acknowledgement
Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles
Teacher Reviewed for SchoolZone. | |
MERLOT Classics Award 2004 | |
Featured in the NCTM Web Bytes - September 2005 | |
Scientific American 2003 Sci/Tech Web Awards | |
Knot #32, Canadian Mathematical Society | |
NCTM/MarcoPolo Illuminations | |
Exploratorium | |
Eisenhower National Clearing House, Feb 2004 | |
Top 10, MathsNet, England | |
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics | |
NetWatch, Science magazine | |
National Academy Press | |
Eisenhower National Clearing House, Dec 1996 | |
MathForum | |
SumFun | |
Planet Science | |
Computer Currents Interactive | |
European Web on Science and Technology | |
ED's Oasis | |
StudyWEB | |
INSTRUCT Homepage : Online Educational Resources | |
Secondary Mathematics Assessment and Resource Database | |
maths online | |
Top 10 Educational Websites - October 1999, Learning in Motion | |
Math: Top Site - 10/25/99, EducationPlanet | |
Hop To It | |
The Alsirat Web-Book Award | |
Bonus: Supersite for Kids | |
Suite101 | |
Links2Go Key Resource Award | |
Launch Point, Los Angeles Times | |
Web Feet Seal of Approval!, RockHill Press | |
Britannica | |
300 Increadible Things To Learn On The Internet | | | |
StudyWEB | |
IDEAS/Wisconsin's PK-16 educational project | |
Top 5% in K-12 Education. Awesome Library. Editor's Choice | |
National Science Digital Library Report for Math, Engineering, and Technology Selection (July 5, 2002) | |
The Teacher List, The site of the day (March 24, 2003) |
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Copyright © 1996-2018 Alexander Bogomolny