Awards and Acknowledgement

Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles

Teacher Reviewed for SchoolZone.
MERLOT Classics Award 2004 MERLOT Classics Award 2004
Featured in the NCTM Web Bytes - September 2005 Featured in the NCTM Web Bytes - September 2005
Scientific American 2003 Sci/Tech Web Awards Scientific American 2003 Sci/Tech Web Awards
Knot #32, Canadian Mathematical Society
NCTM/MarcoPolo Illuminations
Eisenhower National Clearing House, Feb 2004
Top 10, MathsNet, England
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
NetWatch, Science magazine
National Academy Press
Eisenhower National Clearing House, Dec 1996
Planet Science
Computer Currents Interactive
European Web on Science and Technology
ED's Oasis
INSTRUCT Homepage : Online Educational Resources
Secondary Mathematics Assessment and Resource Database
maths online
Top 10 Educational Websites - October 1999, Learning in Motion
Math: Top Site - 10/25/99, EducationPlanet
Hop To It
The Alsirat Web-Book Award
Bonus: Supersite for Kids
Links2Go Key Resource Award
Launch Point, Los Angeles Times
Web Feet Seal of Approval!, RockHill Press
300 Increadible Things To Learn On The Internet
IDEAS/Wisconsin's PK-16 educational project
Top 5% in K-12 Education. Awesome Library. Editor's Choice
National Science Digital Library Report for Math, Engineering, and Technology Selection (July 5, 2002)
The Teacher List, The site of the day (March 24, 2003)

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