Simple Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
In a word or story problem, the word more may indicate either the need for addition or subtraction in the translation of the problem into mathematical language. Below we shall consider a few examples. As in other word problems, it is important to separate the essential information from the specific coating of a particular problem.
(Note: In the applet below, all underlied words and numbers can be clicked on. Please feel free to do just that.)
(There are many more word problems discussed and solved at this site. The math tutorial continues with a similar approach over several additional examples.)
Word Problems
- Problems of class a + x = b
- Problems of class a · x = b
- From Word Problem to Equation
- Problems of class x / a = b / c
- Problems of class x = a + b
- Problems of class x = a + b (II)
- Problems of class x = a × b
- Solving Two Simultaneous Linear Equations
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