The Diagonal Argument
This is just a second look at the question of the relative magnitudes of a set and the set of its subsets.
Let R be a set, and F a function that maps x ∈ R to a subset of R,
Such a function can be visualized in a square R × R. For every x ∈ R, F(x) can be depicted in the vertical unit segment just over x. We'll call it G(x),
Now, for some x, G(x) crosses the diagonal
Introduce set Z of all x with the latter property:
Z = {x ∈ R: G(x) ∩ D = Ø} = {x ∈ R: x ∉ F(x)}.
(Quite obviously the introduction of the diagonal D was not strictly necessary. But its presence illuminates the reason why the proof of the following theorem is known as the diagonal argument.)
For no x ∈ R, F(x) = Z.
Suppose on the contrary that, for some a, F(a) = Z. We may ask then whether or not a ∈ Z. We shall see that both possibilities lead to a contradiction.
Assume first that a ∈ Z. This would mean G(a) ∩ D = Ø, implying that a ∉ F(a), i.e., a ∉ Z.
Assume now that a ∉ Z. This would mean G(a) ∩ ≠ Ø, implying that a ∈ F(a), i.e., a ∈ Z.
Corollary 1
No function R→ 2R can be onto.
Corollary 2
|2R| > |R|.
Corollary 3
The set of the reals is uncountable.
Let R = [0, 1] and N is the set of positive integers. If we think of the reals as represented by their binary expansions, then, with some caveats, each such expansion is a characteristic function of a subset of N which associates with every x ∈ R a subset of N, viz., the subset of the indices whose corresponding digits in the binary expansion of x are 1. Such an association tells us that
It is clear that uncountability of the reals and Russell's Paradox are of the same origin.
- K. Kuratowski, A. Mostowski, Set Theory, North-Holland; 2nd revised edition (February 26, 1976)
Uncountability of Real Numbers
- Irrational Numbers: Diagonal Argument with Decimals
- The Diagonal Argument
- Uncountability of the Reals - via a Game
- Cantor's First Uncountability Proof
- The set of all subsets of a given set
Self-reference and apparent self-reference
- Does It Blink?
- Apparent paradox
- Set of all subsets
- An Impossible Page
- Russell's paradox
- An Impossible Machine
- A theorem with an obvious proof
- The Diagonal Argument
- A link to a very similar puzzle
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