Other Amazing Puzzles, Ancient & Modern




BOOK ONE The Grand Question of Scheherazade

  1. The Source

  2. In Which Is Related How Scheherazade Entertained the King on the Thousand-and-Third Night

  3. Wherein Is Related How ScheherazadeFurther Entertained the King on the Thousand-and-Fourth Night

  4. The Thousand-and-Fifth Night, in Which Scheherazade Relates Some Puzzles of Ancient Origin

  5. The Thousand-and-Sixth Night, in Which Scheherazade Gives the King Some Problems in Probability

  6. The Thousand-and-Seventh Night, in Which Scheherazade Relates Some Exploits of Some of Ali Baba Forty Thieves

  7. In Which Scheherazade Relates Some More Puzzles on This Thousand-and-Eighth Night and Concludes with a Clever Mathematical Observation

  8. In Which Is Related Scheherazade’s Wondrous Account ofthe Mazdaysians and Aharmanites

  9. The Thousand-and-Tenth Night, in Which Scheherazade Gives a Further Account of the Mazdaysians and Aharmanites

  10. In Which Is Related How Scheherazade Entertained the King with Some Special Items on This Thousand-and-Eleventh Night

  11. Scheherazade's Puzzles and Metapuzzles of the Thousand-and- Twelfth Night

  12. TheThousand-and-Thirteenth Night in Which Scheherazade Relates the Story of Al-Khizr

  13. The Grand Question!

BOOK TWO From Scheherazade to Modern Logic
  1. Coercive Logic

  2. Right- and Left-Handed Coercion

  3. TheUltimate in Coercive Logic

  4. Variable Liars

  5. Chinese or japanese?

  6. Oron and Seth

  7. Which Personality?

  8. Oh No!

  9. A Mixed Bag. Some Logic Tricks and Games

  10. Some Special Problems

  11. Some Strange Paradoxes!

Solutions to the Scheherazade Puzzles


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