Littlewood's Miscellany

Edited by Bela Bollobas

‘This admirable book is impossible to summarize. It overflows with what G. B. Shaw calls the gaiety of genius.’ ‘For many of us this is the book of the year.’ ‘What a delightful book!’

These are some of the accolades that greeted the publication of A Mathematician's Miscellany.

Littlewood’s Miscellany, which includes most of the earlier work as well as much of the material Professor Littlewood collected after the publication of A Mathematician’s Miscellany, allows us to see academic life in Cambridge, especially in Trinity College, through the eyes of one of its greatest figures.

The joy that Professor Littlewood found in life and mathematics is reflected in the many amusing anecdotes about his contemporaries, written in his pungent, aphoristic style. The general reader should, in most instances, have no trouble following the mathematical passages.

For this publication, the new material has been prepared by Bela Bollobas; his foreword is based on a talk he gave to the British Society for the History of Mathematics on the occasion of Littlewood’s centenary.


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