Today's personal computer gives its owner tremendous power which can be used for experimental investigations and simulations of unprecedented scope, leading to miniresearch. This book is a first step into this exciting field.

This is a mathematics book, not a programming book although it explains Pascal to beginners. It is aimed at high school students and undergraduates with a strong interest in mathematics and teachers looking for fresh ideas. It is full of diverse mathematical ideas requiring little background. It includes a large number of challenging problems, that illustrate how computing leads to conjectures many of which can then be proved by mathematical reasoning.

Arthur Engel was born in 1928. After graduating from the University of Stuttgart in 1952, he taught high school for 18 years and liked it so much that at first he hesitated to accept an Associate Professorship at Ludwigsburg College in 1970.

Since 1972 he has been Professor of Didactics of Mathematics in the Mathematics Department of the University of Frankfurt.

Professor Engel has been very active in the German National Mathematics Competition since its beginning in 1970. He has been coach and delegation leader of the German IMO team from 1977 (its first participation) until 1984. He continues to act as a coach and occasional team leader. Quite a few of the problems in this book were inspired by the competitions.

In 1990 Professor Engel was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit by the Minister of Education of West Germany. In 1991 he was one of the first three recipients of the David Hilbert Award of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions.

A 3.5" IBM-compatible disk containing the Pascal programs described in this book is packaged with the volume.


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