"Howard Eves made a valuable contribution to the Dolciani Mathematical Exposition series ... The twenty lectures included are a delight to read. They place each 'great moment' in its historical context and lay special emphasis on human aspects of each achievement. No algebra or geometry teacher should be without this book."

Tom Walsh in
The Mathematics Teacher

"He has the knack of bringing ancient mathematics alive, at the same time relating it to modern ideas and developments. His work is readable and informative and indeed bears reading a second time. His exposition is clear and he is not content with generalities, but gives actual examples of early methods."

E. H. Lockwood in
The Mathematics Gazette

"Eves is never less than tantalizing and usually inspiring ... each ‘great moment' has detailed exercises following it, as these have been carefully chosen to illustrate the depth of the ideas in question."

C.W Kilmister in
The London Times, Higher Education Supplement

"The author's ability to express concepts simply and to give brief but quintessential character sketches of the great mathematicians will make this an absorbing book for anyone wishing to survey the development of mathematical ideas."

F. Gareth Ashurst in
Mathematical Spectrum


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