Third Millennium International Mathematical Olympiad 2009
Grades 9-12 (Problem 2)

  Find the area of the ring between two concentric circles, if the chord of the bigger circle that is tangent to the smaller one has the length of 2009.


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Copyright © 1996-2018 Alexander Bogomolny

The area of a circle depends on a single parameter, say its radius or a diameter. Curiously, the same is true of an annulus - the circular ring formed by two concentric circles. If the circles have radii R and r, R > r then their areas are πR² and πr², making the area of the ring equal to the difference

  πR² - πr² = π (R² - r²).

But, if the small radius is drawn to the point of tangency with the chord whilst the big radius is drawn to its end point, then, since a radius is perpendicular to the tangent, the Pythagorean theorem applies:

  R² - r² = (2009/2)².

Therefore the area of the annulus is π(2009/2)².

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