Outline Mathematics
Word Problems

Five Siblings

Here's a problem to tackle:


"So you've got five kids, with one girl in the middle," said Alan. "How old is she?"

Clem smiled. "Figure it out yourself," he replied. "They're all spaced two years apart, and the youngest boy is just half as old as the oldest."

How old was the girl?


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Copyright © 1996-2018 Alexander Bogomolny



"So you've got five kids, with one girl in the middle," said Alan. "How old is she?"

Clem smiled. "Figure it out yourself," he replied. "They're all spaced two years apart, and the youngest boy is just half as old as the oldest."

How old was the girl?

(In the applet below, click on the underlined omitted expressions. See what happens.)

// formulations

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Do not forget to check your solution.

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Copyright © 1996-2018 Alexander Bogomolny