Possible or Impossible?
The 3D object in the applet below can be rotated by dragging the mouse or, rotating the mouse wheel, moved away or towards the screen.
Look at it. Is this a physical reality? My 9 year old son knows to make such a curiosity out of a piece of paper. Do you?
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Copyright © 1996-2018 Alexander BogomolnyDo It Yourself
Start with a square piece of paper. Plain paper will do just fine. A colored piece should have the same color or design on both sides.
Fold the square and crease it along the black line and then make three cuts indicated by the light lines.
It will now appear that there are three linked pieces of paper. Rotate the left one 90° clockwise around the black crease. Rotate the right one 90° counterclockwise and you are done.
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Copyright © 1996-2018 Alexander Bogomolny72187523