Shapes of constant width (An Interactive Gizmo)
What is it about?
A Mathematical Droodle
Shapes of Constant Width
- Shapes of constant width
- Crossed-Lines Construction of Shapes of Constant Width
- Shapes of constant width (An Interactive Gizmo)
- Star Construction of Shapes of Constant Width
- Reuleaux's Triangle, Extended
Convex Sets
- Helly's Theorem
- First Applications of Helly's Theorem
- Crossed-Lines Construction of Shapes of Constant Width
- Shapes of constant width (An Interactive Gizmo)
- Star Construction of Shapes of Constant Width
- Convex Polygon Is the Intersection of Half Planes
- Minkowski's addition of convex shapes
- Perimeters of Convex Polygons, One within the Other
- The Theorem of Barbier
- A. Soifer's Book, P. Erdos' Conjecture, B. Grunbaum's Counterexample
- Reuleaux's Triangle, Extended
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