Third Millennium International Olympiad
The Third Millennium International Olympiad is an entirely online event. The problems shall be displayed for a limited time (6 problems, 3 hours) at the assigned time and date. (Check sample problems.) Participants will register on line and the solutions composed and submitted online. There will be six problems for each of the grades 5-12. Participation in the Olympiad is free.
In eight years since its inception in 2001, more than 1,000,000 students from more than 50 countries participated in the olympiad.
During the three allocated hours the registered users will be given access to an online editor wherein they will type their solutions. For the grades 9-12 they will also be able to upload graphic files to illustrate their work. The graphics (in gif, jpg, or png formats) will have to be created with the programs like PaintBrush, or any other.
It ought to be understood that, although all the problem formulations were carefully composed and repeatedly discussed by the Olympiad organizers, ambiguity in the formulations is still possible. In such cases, the fact of an ambiguity should be mentioned in the submitted solution, and the participants are advised to select the most interesting interpretation.
The submitted solutions will be first checked by a team of mathematics teachers of SchoolPlus. The viable submissions will then be passed on to the team of organizers at St. Petersburg, Russia, headed by Prof. V. Fedotov.
Each problem gets 7 points if the solution is shown in detail and is correct. The maximum total score is 42 points. If you like to compete, it will be exciting to know that many other students are trying to solve the same problems at the same time! Students: invite your classmates to join! Teachers: invite your students to participate!
All participants will be notified by email of the results of the competition. The winners will be awarded signed certificates. The names of the winners will be posted at the relevant sites.
The 9th Olympiad will take place on Sunday, 1 March, 2009, 4-7 pm (EST). The registration will be open starting Monday, 23 February, 12 pm (EST). Registered students will be given an opportunity to practice with the online editor that will be used at the Olympiad for submissions. Grades 5-8 students should sign up at SchoolPlus-Online site; for grades 9-12, sign-up here.
Good luck and enjoy the competition!

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