; Here we are dealing with simple facts that
; define girls' placement.

(deftemplate placement
  (slot name)
  (slot place))

; Assert all possible girls' placements.
; The second rule will select the suitable placement.

(defrule AllThePossibleFacts
  (foreach ?name (create$ Nancy Minnie Lucy Opey)
    (foreach ?place (create$ 1 2 3 4)
      (assert (placement (name ?name) (place ?place))))))

; With no facts in the working memory, the rule will never fire.

(defrule ProblemFromIngenuityInMathematics

; See that all four competitors have been defined
; and that all their placements are different.

  (placement (name Nancy) (place ?n))
  (placement (name Minnie) (place ?m&~?n))
  (placement (name Lucy) (place ?l&~?n&~?m))
  (placement (name Opey) (place ?o&~?n&~?m&~?l))

; This is what follows from what Lucy said

  (or (and (placement (name Nancy) (place ?n&1))
        (not (placement (name Minnie) (place ?m&2))))
      (and (not (placement (name Nancy) (place ?n&1)))
        (placement (name Minnie) (place ?m&2))))

; This is what follows from what Minnie said

  (or (and (placement (name Nancy) (place ?n&2))
        (not (placement (name Opey) (place ?o&3))))
      (and (not (placement (name Nancy) (place ?n&2)))
        (placement (name Opey) (place ?o&3))))

; This is what follows from what Nancy said

  (or (and (placement (name Opey) (place ?o&4))
        (not (placement (name Lucy) (place ?l&2))))
      (and (not (placement (name Opey) (place ?o&4)))
        (placement (name Lucy) (place ?l&2))))


  (printout t crlf "Lucy is in the " ?l " place" crlf)
  (printout t "Nancy is in the " ?n " place" crlf)
  (printout t "Minnie is in the " ?m " place" crlf)
  (printout t "Opey is in the " ?o " place" crlf))
