Subject: Re: Cauchy's limit
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 08:05:43 -0500
From: Alex Bogomolny


I think it took me longer to write the response than it would for you to look into a book. It's a wasting of resources.


(1) |Gx - g| is small as x approaches c
(2) |Fx - f| is small as x approaches c
(3) of course you assume f<>0

From (2,3), for x close enough to c

(4) |Fx| > f/2

(5) |Gx/Fx - g/f| = |(fGx - gFx)/fFx|

(6) fGx - gFx = f(Gx -g) - g(Fx - f)


(7) |fGx - gFx| <= |f||Gx -g| + |g||Fx - f|

Obviously, (7) becomes small as x goes to c.

From (4,5,7)

|Gx/Fx - g/f| <= 2(|f||Gx -g| + |g||Fx - f|)/f^f

which becomes increasingly small.


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