Chronology of Updates (1998)

December 22, 1998 Upgraded the page on Pythagorean Triples with a nice applet
December 8, 1998 Transitivity in Action
November 29, 1998 Morley's Pursuit of Incidence
November 11, 1998 A Problem on an Infinite Checkerboard
November 6, 1998 A three circles problem and Cutting Squares
November 5, 1998 Pappus' Theorem
November 3, 1998 The Pivot Theorem
October 30 1998 Upgraded pages on Bertrand's Paradox
October 29 1998 A page commemorating the exhibition and sale of the Archimedes Palimpsest by Scott Brodie
October 28 1998 Doodling and Miracles
October 26 1998 Another pair of proofs of Morley's Miracle
October 23 1998 J.Conway's and D.J.Newman's proofs of Morley's Miracle
October 22 1998 Thanks to Scott Brodie for a critical page, "Extra-geometric" proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem
October 21 1998 Morley's Miracle
October 11 1998 Josephus Flavius problem, recursive solution
October 10 1998 Mechanical Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem
October 9 1998 The Dumb Parrot
October 6 1998 More On Inscribed Angles
October 2 1998 Cantor sets
September 29 1998 Fish Soup Game
September 17 1998 Continued Fractions on the Stern-Brocot Tree
September 14 1998 Napoleon's Theorem by Plane Tesselation
September 7 1998 Munching on Inscribed Angles
August 29 1998 Hearty Munching on Cardioids
August 17 1998 Paper Folding
August 2 1998 Copernicus' Theorem
July 27 1998 Mathematics || Computers (Or Is it &&?)
July 25 1998 With One 4
July 20 1998 Make Your Move, Kid!
July 18 1998 Mediant Fractions
July 17 1998 Applications of Pick's Theorem
July 7 1998 Infinite Latin Squares
July 3 1998 Proofs Without Words
June 20 1998 The Floor Function
June 18 1998 Infinity and Probability
June 7 1998 A Geometric Illustration of a Convergent Series
June 6 1998 Is 0.999... = 1?
May 31 1998 Modes of Thinking
May 30 1998 Iterations and the Mandelbrot Set
May 25 1998 Fractions on a Binary Tree
May 24 1998 Operations on Fractions
May 18 1998 A Property of Cubic Equations
May 17 1998 Four Geometric Problems of Antiquity
May 16 1998 Constructible Numbers, examples
May 10 1998 Constructible Numbers
May 8 1998 Sine, Cosine, and Ptolemy's Theorem
April 30 1998 Added two more proofs of Pythagoras' Theorem to the total of 27.
April 29 1998 Pick's Theorem Applies to Farey Series
April 28 1998 Pick's Theorem
April 19 1998 Gaussian Integers
April 18 1998 Minimax Principle
April 17 1998 Strange Integers, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
April 16 1998 Strange Integers, divisors and primes
April 13 1998 Strange Integers
April 11 1998 Interest Calculations
April 8 1998 Updated the page on constructing an n-gon given the midpoints of its sides
April 7 1998 Examples of peculiar word usage in physics and evolutionary science
April 6 1998 Farey series, a story
March 28 1998 Merlin's Magic Squares
March 24 1998 Bisecting arcs
March 21 1998 The Fermat Point and Generalizations
March 20 1998 Various Geometries
March 16 1998 Barycentric coordinates and Geometric Probability
March 15 1998 Integer Iterations on a Circle
March 10 1998 Point in a Square, a beautiful proof
March 9 1998 Van Obel Theorem, Determinants, and Barycentric Coordinates
February 27 1998 The Collage Theorem
February 15 1998 Sierpinski Gasket and Tower of Hanoi
February 12 1998 Pythagorean Triples
February 10 1998 3 Glasses Problem in Barycentric Coordinates
February 9 1998 Barycentric coordinates
February 8 1998 Sierpinski Gasket by Trema Removal
February 7 1998 Lewis Carroll's Game of Logic
February 6 1998 Soriteses
February 4 1998 Non-Euclidean Geometries, As Good As Might be
February 3 1998 Frieze Patterns
February 1 1998 Dot Patterns and Sierpinski Gasket
January 31 1998 Discovery of the Non-Euclidean Geometries
January 24 1998 Paper strip activities, two strips
January 23 1998 Attempts to Prove The Fifth Postulate
January 21 1998 Background on non-Eclidean Geometries and Euclid's Fifth Postulate
January 19 1998 Thanks to Scott Brodie for the insightful page Pythagorean Theorem is Equivalent to Parallel Postulate.
January 14 1998 Evolution of Algebraic Symbolism, an Example
January 6 1998 Binary Encoding, Another Interpretation
January 3 1998 Binary Encoding with the Stern-Brocot tree
January 2 1998 A Fine Feature of the Stern-Brocot tree
January 1 1998 Yet Another of Euler's Formulas

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