Mathematical Morsels

Ross Honsberger


Most of the problems discussed here have appeared in the problems sections of well-known mathematics journals. At the beginning of each problem, reference is made to its Source, Proposer, and Solver. Accurate credits are often obscured or lost as a problem gets around. Consequently, there is some risk involved in assuming that a problem actually originates with the Proposer and in supposing that the given solution belongs exclusively to the Solver. The references are included mainly to indicate where I happened upon the topic. In fairness to everyone concerned, it should be noted that I have often taken only a part of a problem or solution and I have generally rewritten and embellished all presentations very substantially. The statements of many problems have been revised in the hope of giving them more striking form. This is not a book of problems which are posed for you to solve (although you will undoubtedly have more fun if you try them a little first), but as a showcase for some of mathematics' minor miracles. However, a couple of dozen exercises have been included at the end.


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