Outline Mathematics
Logic Problems

Who Has the Beard?

Here's a problem to tackle:

"I've only met one of them," said Martha. "The guy with the beard. Which is he?"

"You figure it out yourself," Clem replied. "Two of them are married, two have blue eyes, and two are clean-shaven. The bearded one has brown eyes. Doug's wife is Ken's sister, and the bachelor has the same color eyes as Joe. They're three great guys."

Who had the beard?


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Copyright © 1996-2018 Alexander Bogomolny


"I've only met one of them," said Martha. "The guy with the beard. Which is he?"

"You figure it out yourself," Clem replied. "Two of them are married, two have blue eyes, and two are clean-shaven. The bearded one has brown eyes. Doug's wife is Ken's sister, and the bachelor has the same color eyes as Joe. They're three great guys."

Who had the beard?

The men are Joe, Doug and Ken,Ken,John,Peter,Doug, and Doug is married,clean-shaven,bachelor,married,blue eyed. The bachelor is not Joe, so Ken,Ken,Doug is the bachelor and he has the same color eyes as Joe,Ken,Doug,Joe. Hence Ken and Joe have blue,brown,blue,hazel eyes. Then Doug has brown eyes and is bearded,bachelor,clean-shaven,married,bearded.

Do not forget to check your solution.


  1. J. A. H. Hunter, Entertaining Mathematical Teasers, Dover Publications, 1983

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Copyright © 1996-2018 Alexander Bogomolny